At CBM Consult, we believe that the ability to learn is innate and people require a suitable ‘vehicle’ to stimulate, encourage and catalyse learning. To facilitate knowledge transfer among adult learners we believe it is important to acknowledge their specific needs so that they could succeed on purpose and not by chance-by having better skills, clearer direction and higher motivation.
Training Methodology
A typical training session uses a combination of lectures, visual aids, self-assessment tools, video, role plays and group discussion.
A course manual is provided for each participant and it is designed to be a practical workbook and a continuing source of reference.
Tutorial Team
Training Venues
All courses offered as open courses in this brochure can be organized in-house, tailored to the specific needs of organizations. Organizations will get the same expert facilitators and CBM Consult course experience, but with the added flexibility and reduced travel and accommodation costs of running the course at a hotel or conference centre. The cost of in-house programmes is therefore greatly reduced.
Our style is to work with you, at your pace, with a consultative, step-by-step approach. We pay close attention to your particular training needs and the demands of your business.
As a prospective client you are in good hands! We invest in the long term. We want you to use us for the things we do best. If we don’t think your current needs are our areas of expertise, we’ll steer you in a different direction.
The fee quoted is exclusive of VAT and NHIL and it covers tuition, all written materials, certificates and meals. The company offers discount to companies which book a certain number of programs.
(i) Companies which sponsor more than four participants per course will save 10% off the total fee before VAT per each extra participant.
(ii) Companies which book between three and five training programs running between 1st January and 30th November, 2024 will save 5% off the total fee before VAT. st
(iii) Companies which book between six and nine training programs running between 1st January and 30th November, 2024 will save 10% off the total fee before VAT.
(iv) Companies which book ten and more programs between 1st January and 30th November, 2024 will save 15% off the total fee before VAT.
(1) Call on 026-2000107,0203852834, 027-7568209, or 024 – 3962141, to reserve your place
(2) E-mail to / or
(3) Post to P. O. Box CT 3100, Cantonments, Accra
- To reserve your place, please complete and return the form on the last page of this catalogue. Early registration is encouraged.
Any cancellation/transfer must be received in writing up to fourteen (14) days before the program. After this date a fee will be charged. Bookings cannot be cancelled/transferred or refunded from seven days prior to the program; however, a substitute delegate can be named at any time before the program begins. All cancellation costs are based on the course fee. Between ten and thirteen days prior to the course will attract 50% while less than seven days prior to the course will attract 100%.
The details our clients provide will be stored solely within the database of CBM Consult.